Digital Workflow to Build a Roofing Brand

Digital Workflow to Build a Roofing Brand

Roofing contractors who implement a digital workflow to build a roofing brand tend to stand out.

As you may know, the digital transformation in the roofing industry refers to using tools such as Google, social media, lead generation, website, AI, etc.

If you have heard of them but aren’t using them yet, whether because you don’t know how to, or because of lack of time, keep reading!

In this article, Roofers Going Digital will explain all the steps you need to follow to build your roofing brand.

Implement the whole process and you’ll start noticing the results!

1. Define Your Target Customers and Potential Clients

As a roofing marketing agency specializing in the roofing industry, we are familiar with all the different niche markets you can identify.

For instance, if you are a commercial roofing company with property managers and building owners as a target audience, your content should be related to commercial roofing issues and present your business as the solution.

One common mistake is pushing information about your products, primarily as a sales pitch rather than explaining who you are and why they should pick you instead of others.

That’s why a strong digital plan should start with defining your target customers and potential clients.

To discover 6 Digital Marketing Roadblocks faced by Roofing Companies, click here.

2. Analyze Your Competitors

Use decision-makers tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Sprout Social.

When using competitors’ analysis tools, you can identify how other roofing companies generate traffic.

Uncover mobile-desktop traffic and locate which areas of your roofing market receive more.

Include demographics research and create content that can resonate with the customers you’re trying to reach.

Online users are savvy buyers who will often research you before deciding where to purchase their roofing services.

To discover the Branding Trends for Roofing Companies in 2022, click here.

3. Have a Clear Mission and Core Values

To build a successful roofing brand, you should always think about your customer first.

Many roofing companies introduce themselves as a catalog of roofing products and services.

Of course, your prospects must know about your products, but if they don’t know anything about you or how you can help them, why should they hire you specifically?

Establish your mission and clear core values, share them with your crew, and include them in your communication strategy.

4. Set Up Your Short, Mid, and Long-Term Goals

Define what you want to accomplish by launching your new digital campaigns: creating brand awareness, lead generation, or closing more sales.

Write down your actions and deadlines to track your progress, install the Google Search Console and the Analytics, and see what works and what doesn’t.

Pro tip: You should set your long-term goals to 5 years.

To discover the Google Strategy for Roofing Companies, click here.

5. Create and Share Engaging Content

Share all your roofing knowledge; create posts and articles to showcase your roofing expertise.

Upload photos and videos of your roofing projects, testimonials, reviews, and valuable content that can introduce you as an expert.

Show your prospects that you’re a roofing professional and you’re there to make their lives easier.

To discover what is Content Creation for Roofing Companies, click here.

Build Your Roofing Brand with Us!

Schedule a call today!

4 Reasons to Hire Roofers Going Digital

4 Reasons to Hire Roofers Going Digital

Before checking the 4 reasons to hire roofers going digital, please answer the following question: How many roofing businesses are you competing with in your area?

Maybe the answer is many, or maybe just a few. In both cases though, you are all fighting over the same customers.

Most roofing companies tend to focus on traditional marketing efforts to get new clients, such as brochures, truck wraps, correspondence, referrals, etc.

So, what makes you different from them? An online marketing campaign can be the difference.

Keep reading to find out how hiring us can help you!

1. We Have Proven Roofing Industry’s Knowledge and Sales Experience

Our CEO and Founder, Francisco Serrano, has been a successful sales rep who made over 2 million USD in commercial roofing projects in the last two years.

He also has over five years of experience implementing sales and marketing tactics in the roofing industry.

He knows how to overcome sales objections and position your roofing brand as an industry leader.

To discover our automation strategy for roofers, click here.

2. Our Inbound Marketing Strategies Are Proven to be Successful

Roofers Going Digital’s methodology is based on the inbound marketing system.

We will define your target audience based on their roofing issues and needs through extensive research and analysis.

Creating and sharing valuable content will allow us to attract, engage and entertain your potential clients and prospects. We will make them understand your purpose and approach.

Lastly, thanks to our social media campaigns, we will put active listening into practice, which means we will find out what your customers are saying about roofing in your area.

To discover the benefits of inbound marketing for roofers, click here.

3. We Give You a Return On Investment (ROI)

The return on investment (ROI) is the results you get from all the efforts included in your online marketing strategy.

They range from building a follower base, brand awareness, reputation, and loyalty, to retaining and satisfying customers, and directly earning you revenue.

By tracking your return on investment, you will:

  • Understand the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns. 
  • Demonstrate the value of digital sales within your roofing business.
  • Show how digital strategies can impact all departments, ranging beyond sales reps and managers to executives and roofing contractors. 
  • Drive and measure brand reputation and gain control of it.
  • Prove to board members the value of budgeting for your marketing efforts.

The return on investment will let us make adjustments to what isn’t working.

4. We Focus on Creating a Remarkable Online Customer Experience

Online customer service is probably the most significant reason to hire Roofers Going Digital.

Also referred to as customer care, it is the most effective online marketing method.

In today’s digital world, all the interactions are public, and people can record or take screenshots of your exchanges, showing how they’ve been treated.

We have seen many roofing companies that struggle to build good business relationships, and often only focus on closing a sale.

Remember that how customers are treated on digital platforms says volumes about a roofing brand.

Roofers Going Digital will make sure all of your customers and potential clients enjoy every step of their digital journey.

Build Loyalty for Your Roofing Brand with Roofers Going Digital!

These are only some of the reasons to hire Roofers Going Digital.

If you’re struggling with your online marketing strategies, call the experts.

Contact us today!

How to Build a Digital Advertising Campaign

How to Build a Digital Advertising Campaign

Welcome Roofers! You’re here to learn the basics of building a digital advertising campaign for your roofing company.

When done correctly, a digital advertising campaign will drive revenue and engage your audience to create a word-of-mouth effect.

But, what is digital advertising?

In a few words, it is a targeted advertising strategy that helps you reach potential clients online. This includes social media and search engines.

Now, let’s get started!

Understanding Your Target Audience

The first step in building a paid advertising campaign is understanding your target audience.

Roofing companies with successful online ads know the most common roofing issues their customers and potential clients face daily.

Keeping a pulse on the latest roofing trends will allow you to create a cost-effective paid media campaign.

Identifying Your Goals and Objectives

Every roofing company has business goals, and usually, they include increasing sales and driving revenue.

When building a digital advertising campaign, you need to be very specific about what you want to accomplish and the role paid advertising will play in helping you achieve that goal.

Define clear goals, whether they are increasing your vanity metrics (followers, views, likes, etc.), getting subscribers for your webinar, or receiving your potential client’s contact info.

Remember, digital advertising is just one part of your online strategy that should also include organic content.

Determining Your Digital Advertising Campaign Budget

Like any other marketing strategy, online or traditional, a digital advertising campaign needs an allocated budget.

One common mistake among roofers is to invest too much money too soon.

First, you should define which platforms you want to start advertising on (Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.).

Second, set a small budget and use previous posts from organic campaigns as a test. Try the ones that have received more engagement and views.

Run the trial over the weekend and wait for the results.

And finally, launch a new campaign. We recommend starting with social media channels, as Google requires more experience.

Pro tip: Do not forget to keep an eye on the analytics.

Start Your Digital Advertising Campaign With Us!

At Roofers Going Digital, we are experts in building paid advertising campaigns for roofing companies.

Contact us today!

The Automation Strategy for Roofers

The Automation Strategy for Roofers

The automation strategy for roofers is the system Roofers Going Digital has developed based on the inbound marketing methodology.

Our goal is to help roofing contractors get a consistent amount of qualified roofing leads.

The roofing industry is one of the fastest-growing among all other construction industries.

So why do so many roofing companies still struggle to get new projects?

This article will explain all the steps we will follow to build an automation strategy for your roofing company.

Keep reading!

Building a Memorable Brand

On top of having a logo, you should also have a brand manual, but what exactly does that mean?

A brand manual is a handbook that will define all of your colors, typography, logo sizes, and correct uses of your brand.

Believe it or not, many roofing contractors do not follow the same guidelines across their social media networks and website.

With the creation of the brand manual, we will help you maintain a consistent image of your roofing company in your customer’s minds.

To discover the benefits of branding for roofers, click here.

Website & Search Engine Optimization

First, we will create your target audience profile, and then we will update all of your communication.

Our team of experts will make sure to include the right keywords, define a tone of voice, and review all of your website content.

You can trust that we will keep sharing all of your expertise and valuable content you already have.

Your new website will maintain the best aesthetics and user experience possible to improve customer service by following your brand guidelines.

These optimizations will help position your roofing website on the first page of Google results organically over time (Search Engine Optimization).

Check out Ramon Roofing’s website (one of our clients).

Social Media

We have years of experience working with roofing companies.

Our automation strategy for roofers includes valuable and shareable content for social media, nurturing your future customer relationships. 

We understand the context of each platform and will create different types of post formats to match their uses. 

With our social media strategy, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Strong relationships with your potential clients
  • A loyal follower base
  • Shared articles with links directing customers to your roofing website
  • Quality call-to-actions with short and clear sentences
  • Innovative images and videos
  • Engagement and feedback from your audience

The key is to generate unique content that can inform and entertain simultaneously.

Email Marketing

Nowadays, having a digital presence is vital for any roofing company.

The majority of your potential clients will check their emails regularly, as they’re able to do so directly from their smartphones.

Whether at work or home, they generally interact with brands through emails.

A great advantage of an email marketing campaign is that you can answer questions and promote your roofing services and products.

We will add pop-up forms on your website and share educational content to build an email database for your business.

To discover the benefits of email marketing for roofers, click here.

Paid Advertising

An automation strategy for roofers cannot be complete without paid advertising.

We will choose catchy headlines and test different advertising formats across the most important online channels like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. 

All videos and images of your roofing services used in our paid ads strategy will include call-to-actions.

We will put the right content in front of your target audience and begin developing qualified roofing leads.

Live Chat & Customer Relationships Management

The live chat and customer relationships management will be the last step of the automation strategy for roofers.

Once you start being recognized in your roofing niche, more and more potential clients will be visiting your website, which means you will need a tool to communicate with them immediately.

The live chat will allow you to answer all your prospect’s inquiries 24/7.

In addition, we will use a CRM to upload and manage all of your follow-ups to convert all of these prospects into actual customers.

We Are Here to Help You!

With our automation strategy for roofers, your online marketing will have the power to connect with your readers, whilst being efficient, precise, and unique.

Roofers Going Digital can help you create a remarkable digital presence for your roofing business.

Contact us today!