RGD Presenta: Dani “The Roof” Influencer

Dani The Roof Influencer

Dani “The Roof” Influencer es una roofera líder en la industria de techado del mercado norteamericano.

Actualmente vive en Atlanta, Georgia y tiene varios años dedicándose a los proyectos de techado residencial y comercial.

Francisco Serrano, nuestro CEO, tuvo la oportunidad de platicar con ella en el podcast de Roofers Going Digital.

De esta manera pudo conocer a detalle su trayectoria, sus inicios, quién la introdujo por primera vez a la industria de los techos y como pasó de ser Daniela Herrera, a convertirse en Dani “The Roof” Influencer, una de las mujeres más exitosas dentro de la industria en el estado de Georgia.

No puedes perderte su historia. ¡Sigue leyendo!

Dani “The Roof” Influencer: ¿Cómo Llegó al Roofing?

Dani comenzó en plomería, estuvo trabajando como asistente de un pequeño plomero que laboraba de manera independiente.

Su éxito fue tal que la demanda de trabajo fue mucho mayor a la capacidad de respuesta que tenía el plomero. Por ello, es el plomero quien la invita a buscar una nueva oportunidad ya que él se da cuenta de que reteniéndola, únicamente iba a limitar su crecimiento.

Es entonces cuando Dani decide acercarse a una amiga que se encontraba trabajando en la industria del roofing, su amiga le comenta que puede introducirla al mercado residencial por medio de las ventas puerta a puerta con un salario de $25 USD por contrato firmado.

Evolución y Crecimiento

Una vez trabajando en la industria del roofing, Dani se da cuenta de la importancia que tiene el marketing y el posicionamiento de marca, por lo que sube una historia en uno de sus perfiles de redes sociales de uno de sus proyectos.

Debido a eso, una de sus seguidores que también se encontraba trabajando en la industria del roofing se da cuenta y se comunica de inmediato con ella; invitándola a integrarse a su equipo de trabajo y ofreciéndole un incremento en su salario de un 10%.

Ya integrada en el nuevo equipo, Dani comienza a trabajar muy de cerca con los ajustadores públicos. Sin embargo, al ser nueva en la industria y no tener una licencia de contratista, Dani se ve obligada a depender de ellos para poder aterrizar los proyectos de techado.

Por lo tanto, Dani decide certificarse y obtener su licencia de contratista para ya no tener que depender de terceros.

La Importancia del Marketing y el Networking

Durante su proceso de certificación, Dani estuvo a punto de tirar la toalla, a pesar de ello, no desistió y continuó hasta lograrlo.

Una vez certificada, Dani decide ir a The Roofing Process Conference, y comienza a relacionarse con profesionales de roofing de toda la nación.

Al regresar de la conferencia, Dani se da cuenta de que se ha relacionado con muchas personas y de que son muchas las mujeres que la siguen y que necesitan de una guía para crecer en una industria dominada mayormente por hombres.

Así es como se convierte en Dani “The Roof” Influencer, una profesional de techado que tiene como lema “Be Good and Do Good” y que ha creado la academia Goats 4 Sales para enseñar a los profesionales de techado a triunfar en la industria.

Descubre más sobre los beneficios de las redes sociales para los rooferos latinos.

Crece Tu Marca de Techado con Roofers Going Digital

Tal y como lo hizo Dani, posiciona tu marca personal y de techado utilizando las redes sociales.

Llama a los expertos, comunícate con Roofers Going Digital.

¡También hablamos español!

4 Reasons to Hire Roofers Going Digital

4 Reasons to Hire Roofers Going Digital

Before checking the 4 reasons to hire roofers going digital, please answer the following question: How many roofing businesses are you competing with in your area?

Maybe the answer is many, or maybe just a few. In both cases though, you are all fighting over the same customers.

Most roofing companies tend to focus on traditional marketing efforts to get new clients, such as brochures, truck wraps, correspondence, referrals, etc.

So, what makes you different from them? An online marketing campaign can be the difference.

Keep reading to find out how hiring us can help you!

1. We Have Proven Roofing Industry’s Knowledge and Sales Experience

Our CEO and Founder, Francisco Serrano, has been a successful sales rep who made over 2 million USD in commercial roofing projects in the last two years.

He also has over five years of experience implementing sales and marketing tactics in the roofing industry.

He knows how to overcome sales objections and position your roofing brand as an industry leader.

To discover our automation strategy for roofers, click here.

2. Our Inbound Marketing Strategies Are Proven to be Successful

Roofers Going Digital’s methodology is based on the inbound marketing system.

We will define your target audience based on their roofing issues and needs through extensive research and analysis.

Creating and sharing valuable content will allow us to attract, engage and entertain your potential clients and prospects. We will make them understand your purpose and approach.

Lastly, thanks to our social media campaigns, we will put active listening into practice, which means we will find out what your customers are saying about roofing in your area.

To discover the benefits of inbound marketing for roofers, click here.

3. We Give You a Return On Investment (ROI)

The return on investment (ROI) is the results you get from all the efforts included in your online marketing strategy.

They range from building a follower base, brand awareness, reputation, and loyalty, to retaining and satisfying customers, and directly earning you revenue.

By tracking your return on investment, you will:

  • Understand the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns. 
  • Demonstrate the value of digital sales within your roofing business.
  • Show how digital strategies can impact all departments, ranging beyond sales reps and managers to executives and roofing contractors. 
  • Drive and measure brand reputation and gain control of it.
  • Prove to board members the value of budgeting for your marketing efforts.

The return on investment will let us make adjustments to what isn’t working.

4. We Focus on Creating a Remarkable Online Customer Experience

Online customer service is probably the most significant reason to hire Roofers Going Digital.

Also referred to as customer care, it is the most effective online marketing method.

In today’s digital world, all the interactions are public, and people can record or take screenshots of your exchanges, showing how they’ve been treated.

We have seen many roofing companies that struggle to build good business relationships, and often only focus on closing a sale.

Remember that how customers are treated on digital platforms says volumes about a roofing brand.

Roofers Going Digital will make sure all of your customers and potential clients enjoy every step of their digital journey.

Build Loyalty for Your Roofing Brand with Roofers Going Digital!

These are only some of the reasons to hire Roofers Going Digital.

If you’re struggling with your online marketing strategies, call the experts.

Contact us today!

Online Lead Generation for Roofers

Online Lead Generation for Roofers

Online lead generation for roofers is one of the most common services offered by marketing specialists in the roofing industry. 

However, many contractors are not familiar with the subject, and could easily become victims of a scam. 

So, what is online lead generation for roofers?

It is the process of using digital strategies to attract all of your potential clients to show an interest in your roofing company’s products or services and convert them into final customers.

In other words, property managers, facility managers, homeowners, business owners, and commercial real estate agents will feel attracted to your roofing company’s brand, and they will want to do business with you.

In the next article, Roofers Going Digital will explain the basics of online lead generation for roofers.

Why Do You Need an Online Lead Generation Strategy?

The roofing industry is rapidly evolving, and most of your potential clients are spending lots of time online.

That’s why implementing an online lead generation for your roofing company should be mandatory.

Digital strategies will help you make all of your traditional marketing efforts even better.

For instance, think about all the people seeing your truck around the city or their neighborhood. If they have seen you online, they will immediately know who you are.

The same will happen with your door-to-door efforts, your billboards, yard signs, etc.

Generating online leads is a perfect way to start positioning your roofing brand.

Your roofing company needs to be easily seen by your target audience so you can be on their minds, and they can eventually think of you when needing any roofing services.

Likewise, by organically sharing valuable content, you will start building solid relationships instead of trying to force a sale.

To discover the benefits of content creation for roofing companies, click here.

Pro tip: your prospects no longer want to be sold to. You need to earn their business.

4 Key Components of Online Lead Generation for Roofers

A lead is generated through information collection and trust.

The collected information comes as a result of your online marketing campaigns.

Some examples of online lead generators are newsletter subscriptions, customer service via social media, signing up for a webinar, or a prospect filling out a form to download educational content.

Some key components of online lead generation for roofers are:

  1. Call-To-Actions
  2. Landing Pages
  3. Forms
  4. Attractive Offers

Once you put all these elements together, you can create various promotional channels to link and drive traffic to your website.

In that way, you can start generating leads for your roofing company to complement your traditional marketing efforts.

Why Should You Choose Roofers Going Digital?

We create unique methods to attract all of your potential clients and prospects to your roofing services.

We will make sure your content targets their needs and pain points naturally through innovative techniques.

Start building your online lead generation strategy with us.

Schedule a consulting call today!